The following article details how to create a user in the Commerce Platform. You must be assigned Customer or Reseller Administrator permissions in order to follow the steps in this article.

  1. Log in to the Commerce Platform using any Internet browser.
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, select Users.
  3. Click on the Create New User button above the User List
  4. You will be directed to a page where you will be able to fill out contact information for the user. A summary of the available fields is below.
    • Primary Contact:
      • First Name/Last Name/Display Name: Required Fields. The Display Name field will automatically populate once the First and Last Name are filled in.
      • Company/Job Title/Department: Optional Fields.
    • General Information:
      • User Login Name: Required Field. The username that will be entered by the user when logging into the Commerce Platform. The domain is automatically set to the Primary Domain configured, and an alias domain can be selected from the dropdown if one or more additional domains were added on the previous page.
      • Email: Required Field. The user’s email address.
      • Alternative Email: Optional Field. Any third-party email address to be used for Welcome Letters and password resets.
      • Country/State/City/Zip Code/Street Address/Phone Number: Required Fields. These fields are automatically populated from the company information entered on the previous page but can be edited to the user’s personal phone and address information if desired.
    • Security: The user's password can be set by either sending an email with a link to the user, or by manually entering a password.
      • Set password by email link: This option will send an email to the designated recipient address containing a link that will take the recipient to a form where they can enter a password. The recipient address are Primary Email Address (the address listed in the "Email" field above), Alternative Email Address (the "Alternative Email" field above), or Custom Email Address (which is entered below).
      • Manually generate password: This option will allow you to enter a password for the new user, or auto-generate one by clicking the generate button between the password fields.
    • Account Options: The Status drop-down menu is used to set the user as Active or Suspended. A user set to Suspended will not be able to log into the Commerce Platform. Please note that setting a user to Suspended in the Commerce Platform will not block them from accessing subscribed services, and will not prevent any charges for licenses or products assigned to them.
    • User Profile Image: A profile image can be uploaded for the user, which will be displayed in the Users List page for the account.
    • Roles: The user Roles determine the user's administrative access to the platform.
      • Full Access: Full Access provides the user the ability the manage the following:
        • Account information (Viewing and editing in the active account and child accounts)
        • Accounts (Add, edit, and delete child accounts)
        • Users (Adding, editing, and removing in the active account and child accounts)
        • Services (Adding, managing, and cancelling in the active account and child accounts)
        • Reports (In the active account and child accounts)
        • Price Schedules (Adding, editing, and removing in the active account and child accounts)
      • Basic Access: Basic Access provides the user the ability to manage the following:
        • Account information (View only in active account, full management in child accounts)
        • Accounts (Add, edit, and delete child accounts)
        • Users (No access in active account, full management in child accounts)
        • Services (No access in active account, full management in child accounts)
        • Reports (In the active account and child accounts)
        • Pricing (No access in active account, full management in child accounts)
      • No Access: Access only to their own user dashboard.
  5. Click the Save User Profile button.

The new User account will be created. You will be prompted to create an additional New User, or to be directed back to the Users page.

It may take a few minutes for the new account to be fully provisioned, so we recommend refreshing the Users page after a few minutes.