The following article describes the location of the Alert System and Audit Logs in the Commerce Platform. You must be assigned Customer or Reseller Administrator permissions in order to follow the steps in this article.

Accessing the Alert System

  1. To access the Alert System, locate the bell icon in the top-right corner of your screen, next to your display name. If there are unread alerts, you will see an indicator as pictured.

  2. The Alert System provides an “at-a-glance” overview of events that have occurred and provides insight into whether they have succeeded. Click on the bell icon to view your unread alerts. In the below example, a user was updated successfully, and an alert was generated.

Selecting View All will bring you to a list of all alerts and provides the option to flag alerts for review.

Accessing the Audit Logs

  1. In the left-hand navigation pane, select Company Details.
  2. Click the Audit Log button.

You will be directed to the Audit Logs page, which provides detailed information of events in the Commerce Platform, including which user performed the action. In the case of impersonation, the impersonating user and company ID will be listed.